Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Scotch Egg On His Face

On a couple of critical issues, Norm Coleman has not exactly been a profile in courage of late and local conservatives have had good reason to wonder when he will next go wobbly when the rubber meets the road. But one area where Norm has never wavered and in fact has been a rock of strength is his leading role in investigating the UN's Oil For Food scandal. In today's Wall Street Journal he pens an opinion piece on a new report by the British Parliament on George Galloway's role in said wrongdoing called Scurrilous George (sub req):

Two years ago George Galloway, a member of the British Parliament, came to the U.S. and attempted to make a mockery of an investigation into allegations of corruption within the United Nation's Oil for Food program. Readers will remember that Oil for Food started as a way to feed Iraqi children, but became a vehicle that Saddam Hussein used for bribery and extortion.

Mr. Galloway dismissed accusations that he benefited substantially through a charity he was involved with (the Mariam Appeal), from Saddam. Evidence that he and the Appeal had received lucrative oil benefits had been released by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, of which I was chairman. In testimony to the subcommittee, Mr. Galloway denied the accusations and later attacked the integrity of his accusers, including me. His bombastic denials won him international attention.

But now, thanks to an investigation conducted by the British Parliament, the truth is out. Last week the House of Commons's Committee on Standards and Privileges issued a damning report presenting "undeniable evidence" that Mr. Galloway and his political operation at the Mariam Appeal benefited from Saddam's regime through Oil for Food. This report is the fourth official investigation -- from the U.N. to the U.S. to the U.K. -- to condemn Mr. Galloway for his misconduct.

The committee report, which is remarkably thorough and objective, is highly critical of Mr. Galloway, ruling that he violated the House of Commons Code of Conduct on numerous different counts. In fact, the committee ruled against Mr. Galloway on every count brought against him. It concluded that Mr. Galloway, through his extensive misconduct, brought the House into "disrepute." It also chastised him for his inappropriate conduct throughout their investigation, including making inconsistent statements, acting belligerently and verbally attacking key witnesses. "Mr. Galloway has consistently denied, prevaricated and fudged in relation to the now undeniable evidence" that his political operation (and he indirectly) received money from Saddam Hussein's regime via Oil for Food.

The committee recommends suspension from the House of Commons for a month -- a rare and severe punishment -- and that Mr. Galloway apologize to Parliament for his improper behavior.

Galloway is a smooth-talking silver-tongued devil who won great acclaim from many on the Left when he came to the US and supposedly made Coleman and the US Senate Committee look foolish. It's encouraging to see that in the end, facts and not bombastic rhetoric have won the day. Well done Norm.

1 comment:

  1. لقد اثبت الدراسات والبحوث ان العيش في بيئة مغلقة ورديئة التهوية يعد من الأسباب التي تتسبب في الاكتئاب والإحباط للكثير من الأشخاص وهو ما يزيد في حالة كون المنزل غير نظيف لطلب شركة نظافة بالرياض وليس فقط سيء التهوية لذلك يحاط الأشخاص بطاقة إيجابية حينما يتواجدوا في بيئة صحية ونظيفة شركة تنظيف بالرياض وخاصة وأن الطاقة الإيجابية تدفع للانتهاء من كافة أعمال التنظيف وانجاز الأنشطة الآخرى في وقت قصير وبذلك تتحسن الحالة النفسية بتحسن النظافة.
