Wednesday, July 11, 2007

More Yost on Baseball

Fresh off his exclusive engagement at Fraters Libertas last week, Mark Yost takes his baseball writng to slightly larger room. Yesterday's Wall Street Journal (aka, Fraters Libertas East) published his review of the new basebal exhibt at the Museum of the City of New York, Ten Summers in the City When Baseball Was King. Excerpt:

The games and team allegiances divided boroughs, families and offices. The most intense rivalry was between the Dodgers and the Giants, the two National League teams that played each other 22 times a year. And while television was baseball's newest medium, you didn't need to own a TV set to follow the games. Radio and television broadcasts were clearly audible from storefronts and apartment windows left open in the days before air conditioning. More than 50 local and regional newspapers provided daily coverage, along with a host of magazines.

For many New Yorkers, the team they cheered for during this period defined them -- individually and collectively. And when the Giants and Dodgers headed west after the 1957 season, grown men wept.

"We always assumed our longing was for the team," said Dodger fan Michael Shapiro. "It was for the friends and neighbors and people at the bus stop with whom we talked about the team."

In case you missed his reports during his ballpark tour last week, links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.

1 comment:

  1. سواء كنت ترغب بنقل الأثاث أو بمجرد إعادة ترتيبيه، فإن نقل الأثاث الثقيل هي مهمة كبيرة وبحاجة لاستخدام تقنيات بسيطة من أجل تحريك قطع الأثاث الثقيلة والمواد دون أن يتسبب الأمر في تدمير ظهرك، أو بيتك أو الأثاث، فإن مهمة نقل الأثاث الثقيل بنفسك يتطلب استخدام رأسك  وليس ظهرك.
    شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
    سنعرف في السطور التالية كيفية نقلب الأثاث الثقيل وخاصة وأن الفترة التي يعيشها الأشخاص عند الرغبة في نقل الأثاث بمفردهم تكون من أصعب وأطول الفترات التي تمر عليهم،  لذلك يحرص خبراء شركة نقل عفش بالرياض على مساعدتكم بأفكار سهلة وبسيطة لنقل الأثاث و إكمال المهمة الصعبة، فهذا هو الوقت المناسب لتذكيركم ببعض الوظائف يجب القيام بها قبل نقل الأثاث.
