Friday, July 20, 2007

Northern Alliance Radio Network

In the midst of your beautiful July Saturday tomorrow, don't forget to spend sometime quality time indoors (ideally in your basement, in your undershorts) listening Northern Alliance Radio Network, at AM1280 The Patriot. It all begins at 11 AM and continues in various iterations until 5PM. As you may be aware, we are delightful and amazing. If you don't believe me, take the word of Anne, who writes in from a city slightly outside the Patriot broadcast area (no, not Stillwater).

I just wanted to send some fan mail your way. I really enjoy listening to your podcasts on the Northern Alliance Radio show. I don't know what kind of audience you usually get for those podcasts (editor's conception)- but lest you think it's mainly midwesterners or minnesotans, today I listened to your podcast while relaxing at the swimming pool of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem . (editor's conception).

I'm a first-year rabbinical student (oops, sorry), and while my program is based in the United States (I'm from Texas), we study for the first year in Israel. We get Friday afternoons off from our week of pretty intense study, so I took great delight in getting some time to chill out and catch up on the podasts from the past few weekends. One of my all-time favorite podcasts was the one with Father Neuhaus. I started reading First Things after that one. And I am so glad I got to hear that amazing interview with Marcus Luttrell. Keep up the great work!

And so we will. If you're not able to catch it on the Patriot, listen to the live streaming here. Or the podcasts, archived on Power Line and at Town Hall (featuring all the Northern Alliance programs).

Don't you dare miss it! Acutally, I think it's fair to say it would be impossible for you to miss them.

1 comment:

  1. حيث يعد تحريك الأثاث الثقيل بنفسك من دون مساعدة مهنية واحدة من هذه المهام الصعبة. شركة نقل عفش بالرياض انها مشكلة تكون مؤلمة للغاية لأنها تحمل درجة من المخاطر الحقيقية بالنسبة لك و لأصدقائك الذي تستعين بهم و لقطع الأثاث التي تحاول تحريكها وبطبيعة الحال على الممتلكات الخاصة بك أيضا، إذا كنت تريد معرفة كيفية تقوم شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض الثقيل بنفسك على السجاد أو الأرضيات الصلبة (دون خدش الأثاث) ونقل الأثاث من وإلى الطابق العلوي أو السفلي،  فإن هذه النصائح لنقل الأثاث الثقيل في المنزل هي بالضبط ما تحتاجه.
