Monday, July 16, 2007

And Nothing's On

Tobin shares the pain of television sports options in Asia in this e-mail:

Welcome to Asian TV! Your post on the three sports options made me laugh (unfortunately humorlessly). It's all too true for this part of the world. Here in Indonesia I'm lucky to catch one MLB game a week - if one is broadcast, it's always the Yankees, and I can't stomach much of that. Cockfighting would be something new though...probably because most of the satellite service channels we get come from Singapore.

Regarding text-messaging for military communications....another huge weakness would be the possibility of your message not appearing immediately. Here, it's not uncommon for messages to show up hours later, or even the next day at times; I assume the service is similar in the Philippines. And if your phone's internal storage is already full of other messages, forget it - your chances of receiving that new one aren't good.

Can you imagine living in a place where the only baseball you get is the Yankees? What a nightmare.

I did catch a little Japanese baseball on TV while in Manila and, although it's not MLB, it was watchable. The games were very low-scoring without a lot of power hitters. Kind of like watching the National League.

1 comment:

  1. في ركن نجد نقدم خدمات شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض بأحدث الاجهزة الالكترونية و فنيين مدربين وذوي خبرة فيما يخص كافة اعمال اصلاح وعلاج التسربات اقوي من فنيين فلبينيين او اي جنسية اخري فقط تواصلوا معنا في ركن نجد لتحصلوا علي كافة خدمات كشف التسربات و ترميم المنزل بخدمات مميزة واسعار لا تقبل المنافسة لعمليات الاصلاح والترميم كما نقدم خدمات كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض .
