Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mile High Rub

I doubt if the Wright brothers would ever have imagined a passenger traveling in a future version of their flying machine seeing (and understanding) the message, "Please wait while seat reboots." What a wonderful world.

Why are the majority of the movies available on the in-flight entertainment systems edited while others are shown as is? I don't understand why I could only watch an edited version of Blades of Glory while getting 300 in all its R rated glory. If all the in-flight movies were edited to remove violence, language, and nudity I could understand it, but there seems to be little rhyme or reason to the offerings. I never watch the edited movies because I don't know what has been edited and why.

I did watch 300 and was pleasantly surprised. It was a much better movie than I had been led to believe. While I would have preferred to see the guys actually wear their tunics and cover their bulging pecs at least occasionally, overall I found it very entertaining. Great story, good action sequences, and a score appropriate for the film? What more could you ask for? Especially from a comic book (sorry geeks, but calling it a "graphic novel" doesn't mean it's anything more than a glorified comic book) adapted to the big screen.

And, as VDH pointed out, it isn't too far a field from the real history either. Yes, idiotic morning show host on KFAN who shall go unnamed, it REALLY did happen.

1 comment:

  1. سواء كنت ترغب بنقل الأثاث أو بمجرد إعادة ترتيبيه، فإن نقل الأثاث الثقيل هي مهمة كبيرة وبحاجة لاستخدام تقنيات بسيطة من أجل تحريك قطع الأثاث الثقيلة والمواد دون أن يتسبب الأمر في تدمير ظهرك، أو بيتك أو الأثاث، فإن مهمة نقل الأثاث الثقيل بنفسك يتطلب استخدام رأسك  وليس ظهرك.
    شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
    سنعرف في السطور التالية كيفية نقلب الأثاث الثقيل وخاصة وأن الفترة التي يعيشها الأشخاص عند الرغبة في نقل الأثاث بمفردهم تكون من أصعب وأطول الفترات التي تمر عليهم،  لذلك يحرص خبراء شركة نقل عفش بالرياض على مساعدتكم بأفكار سهلة وبسيطة لنقل الأثاث و إكمال المهمة الصعبة، فهذا هو الوقت المناسب لتذكيركم ببعض الوظائف يجب القيام بها قبل نقل الأثاث.
