Wednesday, September 03, 2003

On Achieving Glory

Occasional victory can be gratifying. Consistent victory can be intoxicating. But then again, so can free drinks. Which means I‘m not sure what the root cause of my current state of bleary-eyed bliss is. Both victory and the accompanying free Wexford Cream Ales have been ours for the past two weeks after the trivia challenge at Keegan’s Pub. And in this state of high celebration I find it difficult to back track on the exact linear progression of causation.

What I will say is that the Fraters Libertas team emerged victorious again last night. This time dominating the field, which many observers felt was among the strongest ever assembled in the long, august history of Twin Cities trivia. Despite the diabolically clever nature of the questions and the far ranging scope of expertise covered, we scored 19 of 25 correct. Fully 12.5% better than the next highest competitor. The remarkable extent of this victory was emphasized by the gasps of wonder and prolonged, worshipful glances we received upon our score being announced (and that was just from each other).

Not that the game was without controversy. A question about “which beverage includes the ingredient sassafras” was ultimately judged to have one answer and one answer only: root beer. Team Fraters divined this specific answer immediately. But we realized that another beverage, sarsaparilla, also contained this ingredient. (To quote internationally known sassafras expert Anthony of Anthony’s Root Beer “sarsaparilla came from sassafras trees and root beer came from one or more of many different trees, most often the sassafras tree.”)

Knowing the quiz master’s predilection for anachronism, we went with sarsaparilla. And upon the final tally, we were greeted with a terse, check marked rebuke of “incorrect.”

But, as the motto for Keegan’s Trivia so correctly states, there is no whining in trivia (TINWIT). More to the point is our personal motto, there is no whining in winning (TINWIW). And since we did, no formal complaint was filed. If we would have lost, believe me the the Keegans would have heard about it. Since there is a distinct difference between whining and the dispassionate and articulate presentation of irrefutable evidence that they are dead wrong, we would have been well within the rules.

Needless to say, the the former champions, the Atomizer’s Team K, are rapidly fading into distant bar room memory. Rumors were that they were in Keegan's last night, although they didn’t present themselves publicly. I assume they simply accepted their defeat in silent torment, followed by a hasty, unannounced, red-faced departure.

The few in Keegan's who do remember Team K’s reign of terror now openly wonder why they were ever thought to be so fearsome. In fact, one prominent patron was overheard describing Team K as “a proud, but cowardly people.’” (For a summary of what this period of distant history was like, click here.)

I’m not sure about that characterization. But what I do know is that a new era has dawned at Keegan’s on Tuesday nights. One which the regulars are starting to call “The Era of Good Feelings.” And I presume the reason they're saying this isn’t just because they're chronic inebriates. Rather, it’s based on our dashing good looks, warm personalities, gregarious demeanors, and our habit of buying a round for the house after each victory. (For any of you who were in attendance the past two weeks and don’t remember any such thing, I can only accuse you of being in the bathroom at the critical juncture.)

As long as we can maintain our team chemistry, a reasonable level of sobriety, and continue to have the inspiration provided by the beautiful and charming waitress Jessica, there's no reason we can't continue this unyielding series of victories. Someday, like all good things, I suppose this must come to an end and we will lose. But until that day Twin Cities, let's all enjoy these golden times.

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