Before heading off to the salt mine this morning, I checked my e-mail, listened to a local talk radio howler monkey, and dropped by the Strib's web site for a local news update. This produced two ideas for post worthy material. An update from the Spirit of America, and news of a drop in crime during the recent bus strike.
After cobbling them together and throwing them up on Fraters, I began my daily cruise through the Northern Alliance. All was well until I hit Mitch Berg's Shot In The Dark. Among eight subjects that Mitch posted on between 4:30am and 7:30am today (and you thought Lileks was a little manic at times?) were pieces on The Spirit of America and the bus strike/crime link.
Hmmm....I thought, that's an odd coincidence isn't it? I mean what are the odds of Mitch and I covering the exact same topics. And then I started thinking about how much time I've spent with Mr. Berg of late. Trivia last Thursday at Keegan's. The radio show last Saturday. The Patriot Forum on Wednesday night. Three encounters in less than a week.
We were joking around on Wednesday night that Saint Paul might spread some sort of infectious disease among the crowd at the Patriot Forum (especially the way he kept sneezing when he prepared the salad), and we'd have a replay of the Legionnaire's Disease outbreak. Now I'm worried that my recent contact with Mitch may have exposed me to a much more insidious contagion.
The Berg assimilation may have begun. It's more than just the similar thought processes. Today I've had an almost overwhelming urge to bake bread and crank up some Iron City Houserockers. And that painting party is suddenly sounding like a can't miss event. Where will it end?
I must resist this alien influence with all my strength and will. Failing that, I've left instructions with JB Doubtless to ensure that I will not become a Berg drone. If I start talking about my desire to take up the bag pipes, he is to exercise the Chief Bromden pillow option with extreme prejudice.
Resistance is futile.
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