Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Where Dreams Become Reality

David responds with more details on Scott's dream girl:

Scott was on the right path when he guessed at the name "Lola" -- it is actually Rosa. The rest of his description is frighteningly close to reality. She married a pasty-skinned American of German-Scandinavian ancestry, and YES does she love to cook. She fell in love with her husband when she spotted the Antonio Gramsci tattoo on his shoulder (this sounds like it was made up, but I swear to you that it is true) and was thus inspired to have Che drawn on her back. She even managed to steer him (the husband, not Che) from vegetarianism to a diet that included such tasty morsels as squirrels imported from Italy.

Sadly, she no longer works in my building anymore. The last couple of times that I saw her, she had grown rather thin from some Atkins-type diet that a doctor had given her. No more pasta and pizza? That was almost her entire diet. And those carbs managed to accumulate in just the right places, too. She always wore glasses, and once when she took them off I almost started to levitate. Those gorgeous eyes, hiding behind those wire-thin frames for so long!

Tell Scott to move over, I'm taking back my daydream...

Did anyone just hear the sound of a heart breaking? I think it came from Oklahoma.

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