Friday, July 16, 2004

Brother Can You Spare A Dime?

It has been revealed that Minnesota Senator Mark Dayton blew close to half his inherited wealth to buy his senate seat. Dayton forked over a cool twelve mil in 2000 to gain entry into the exclusive senatorial club. But it looks like retaining that seat in 2006 will be out of the financial reach of the now strapped senator:

Dayton facing fund-raising challenge:

Minnesota Sen. Mark Dayton's 2006 reelection campaign raised $423,000 in the quarter ending June 30, increasing his cash balance to $284,000.

But fund-raising by the freshman Minnesota Democrat, who used his personal fortune to finance his $12 million campaign in 2000, lagged behind that of other senators whose terms end in 2007.

A Dayton spokeswoman said that his campaign drew 7,958 donors who gave an average of $49.72 during the quarter and that he has attracted 18,986 contributors in raising more than $1.3 million this election cycle.

Duffy said that Dayton's report reflects "a pretty high burn rate" of his bankroll for a nonelection year.

The report shows he spent heavily on consultants whose job is to raise money, including nearly $100,000 on telemarketing services.

Dayton has said he lacks the resources to finance his own reelection campaign.

Upon hearing the heart wrenching news of the money woes of the nearly destitute Dayton our own Saint Paul, a passionate chronicler of Dayton's strange political life, summed it up nicely:

"The SOB only has between $6 and $15 million dollars left. You can't expect him to run for the Senate without some help from the little people."

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