Question: If you show up at a campaign appearance by Vice President Dick Cheney using the alias "Mega A. Bux", dress up as a "Billionaire For Bush", and dance around like a fool to protest the event are you:
A. A shrill political hack doing whatever is necessary to defeat President Bush
B. A non-partisan citizen activist concerned only with improving voter participation
If you answered A you are a sane, well-adjusted individual with the ability to objectively gauge reality.
If you answered B you are Meighan Stone, Minnesota Communications Director for America Coming Together, and you need to come clean. And probably take a shower as well.
From a letter to Ms. Stone or Bux or whatever the hell she's calling herself today (there is video available as well) from MN GOP Communications Director Randy Wanke:
In your letter to the St. Paul Pioneer Press on June 5, you repeatedly insisted that your organization is "non-partisan" and concerned only with improving voter participation. You have tried to reinforce that illusion through other media as well. For example, during a KARE 11 television interview earlier this month, you attempted to portray ACT as a non-partisan organization concerned only with registering new voters.
But during the Vice President's visit to Minneapolis last Saturday, we witnessed the true partisan nature of ACT when you -- or Mega A. Bux -- and several ACT activists dressed up as "Billionaires for Bush" and danced about the sidewalk in front of the Minneapolis Convention Center protesting the Vice President and the Bush Administration. Your performance on Saturday had nothing to do with educating or registering voters. As you can see by the enclosed video, which we are also sharing with the media, you were playing the role of a partisan attack dog dedicated to the defeat of President George W. Bush in the upcoming election.
In sharp contrast to your partisan attacks and protests at Republican events, ACT is working in coordination with other liberal 527s to elect Democrat candidates. As a matter of fact, when ACT shows up at Democrat and Kerry campaign events it is not there to protest. Rather it is there to register new voters and to mobilize support for John Kerry. For example, on June 12, ACT took part in a massive voter mobilization campaign that was clearly coordinated with the DFL Party's "barnstorming" activities on that same day. Those activities were also coordinated with AFL-CIO union officials.
Doesn't sound partisan at all does it? Heck no. She's just trying to inform the people, register voters, and encourage civic participation right?
This is the latest example of a trend that I've noticed of late. Liberals unwilling to be identified for what they are or who they support. What gives? If your cause is so just and your candidate so great (stifle laughter) why not come on out and say it? Shout it from the mountaintops sister.
You hate President Bush and you support John Kerry. So be it. Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? Do you think the American voter needs to be deceived in order to cast a ballot for John Kerry?
Aren't you the supposedly the party of openness (getting harder to stifle laughter) and honesty (barely able to control laughter)?
Oh, that's right. I almost forgot. You're not affiliated with a party are you? You're "non-partisan"...
[Editors Note: The Elder was unable to complete this post as he fell violently to the floor when gut wrenching spasms of laughter overcame him. He is still giggling deliriously at this time, and doctors have recommended that he be treated with two hours of the "Best of Al Franken Show" STAT in order to completely quell his laugh reflex.]
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