Monday, July 19, 2004

Moving On To Sillier And Sillier Things is now asking members to sign a petition urging the FTC and Congress to stop Fox News from using the slogan "Fair and Balanced":

A free and independent press is vital to democracy. Political partisans cannot be allowed to falsely represent themselves as journalists. That's why we believe:

"The Federal Trade Commission and Congress must act to prevent Fox News from using the deceptive and misleading trademark 'Fair and Balanced.'"

You can now ask the FTC to order Fox News to stop misleading consumers. The FTC's job is to protect consumers from deceptive advertising on the part of big media companies. Please enter your name, email address, zip code, and your personal comment below. We'll deliver these messages to the FTC and to other political leaders.

In a related story, the Northern Alliance of Blogs has announced that it is asking the FTC to order The New York Times to stop using the misleading motto "All the news that's fit to print" since the paper clearly has not lived up to that promise for some time now.

If you go to MoveOn's web site you will see that they have a video clip of Bill O'Reilly which they appear to believe solidifies their case against Fox. The problem is that O'Reilly is not a journalist. He's the host of a show that offers opinions on a variety of social and political issues. In fact the clip that MoveOn is so worked up about features the word COMMENTARY in big letters at the bottom of the screen.

On second thought, I'm going to check into the possibility of the Northern Alliance suing for false advertising. They've been promising to "move on" for some time now, but don't seem to be going anywhere.

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