Thanks to everyone who came out the Keegan's mixer last night. The unofficial head count was about 60. And according to the approving Keegan's publican: "they all drink".
This contributed to the lively, and almost entirely nonpartisan, conversation throughout the evening. It was a great time meeting all the Minnesota bloggers, contributors, and readers in attendance. I dare say this much amateur Internet editorializing talent doesn't exist in any other region of the country. As such, it might make sense to somehow loosely formalize this affiliation for the synergistic promotional opportunities. Perhaps this is the dawning of the Minnesota Organization of Blogs (MOB)? Hmmmm.
We'll give that some thought. But for now here is a list of some of the folks I ran into last night. Some of whose blogs I've never read before, but scanning them this morning I realize there are all sorts of interesting things happening out there. (Because, remember, they all drink.)
Check 'em out. If I inadvertently left out anybody, send me an email and I'll add you to the list.
Fraters regular contributors The Warrior Princess, Man from Silver Mountain, and Jim Styczinski.
King Banaian from SCSU Scholars
Douglas Bass from Belief Seeking Understanding
Mitch Berg from Shot in the Dark
Captain Ed from Captain's Quarters
Cathy from Cathy in the Wright
DC from Brainstorming
Bob Davis from The Bob Davis Show on KSTP
Flash from Centristy
Sarah Janecek from MN Politics
Scott Johnson from Powerline
Peggy Kaplan From What If?
John LaPlante from Policy Guy
James Lileks from The Bleat
Chuck Olson from Blogumentary
Dave Polaschek from Dave's Picks
Jay Reding from Jay
Shawn Sarazin from The American Mind
Odin Soli, the erstwhile Plain Layne
Margaret and David Strom from Our House
Bill Tuomala from Rocks Off
Thorley Winston from Tacitus
Chumley Wonder Bar from Plastic Hallway
And a special thanks to Keegan's Pub, for their fine accommodations and generous hospitality.
UPDATE: The Elder adds that logo designer extraordinaire, Derek Brigham and Eric Jorde from the newly launched Freedom Dogs were also in attendance.
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