Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Common Sense

Follwing is reader feedback regarding yesterday's post about the dearth of good blogs with a liberal orientation. First, this from James Phillips:

Reading your post entitled Attack of the Clones, I was struck by two salient facts.  First, I have had too much to drink tonight to truly comment intelligently.  Second, and possibly more importantly, it occurred to me that today's conservative blogs (that would be you) are the successors to the Revolutionary handbills that gave rise to such trite concepts as free speech and assembly.  So why aren't there good liberal blogs?  For the same reason King George III did not have handbills.  He already dominated the dissemination of information.
Still strikes me as odd, maybe ironic (hopefully not in the Alanis "I don't know what Ironic means" Morrissette" sense) that notwithstanding that fact that the GOP controls the Presidency, Senate and House, we still must think in terms of "revolutionary" rhetoric in order to get our message out.

Fraters Libertas as founding fathers (blogging fathers)? I like the sound of that. James Phillips should drink and email more often. Also, this from our Al Franken Show listener, Rick:

I myself would like to find some quality blogs to give myself some counter balance.  So far I have failed to find any that are sufficiently interesting and simultaneously truth-based to make it worth my time.  I don't know if this is because such blogs simply don't exist, or because my conservative nervous system simply rejects them like an incompatible organ.  Were someone like James Lileks, Mark Steyn, or Hugh Hewitt to recommend a good lefty blog,  I'd force myself to read it, just as I strap myself down to listen to Al Franken.