Tuesday, July 06, 2004

But Main Street's Still All Cracked And Broken...

Light rail has now officially come to the Twin Cities with last week's opening of the Hiawatha Line. According to an e-mail from Jack, Phoenix will be the next city to jump on the bandwagon:

The light-rail fungus is spreading West. We are about to dig craters through the central part of Phoenix to construct yet another monument to the folly of permitting men who have "drivers" decide ways to spend MY money to get ME out of my SUV.

I know (sorry pal, I really am) that it's too late for the Twin Cities to eradicate the fungus. But Phoenix is still in the "getting ready" phase. Neighborhood-breaking (I mean "ground breaking, " sorry, I get carried away) will commence soon, as temperatures near 1 gazillion degrees Kelvin.

Do you have any suggestions as to how us good conservatives might monkeywrench the politics of this stupidest of the stupid ideas? We're always too nice and dedicated to "the process."

I mean they're gonna deface the most graceful city boulevard (Central Avenue) and plop down this monster from the 19th Century and flee to their suburban enclaves while those of us who live down here watch empty trains go by.

Take a look at the artist's rendering of a station and, when you stop laughing, imagine yourself standing out there where the temperature is Tikrit-in-July.

I didn't think you could. Imagine it, that is. Despite what Hewitt says about you, I know you to be far more intelligent than that.

One of my liberal acquaintances (who unfortunately has dug himself a foxhole at the Editorial Page) thinks that a perpetual public subsidy is just ducky, and is as it should be. If he were here right now, I'd tell him.... what was that phrase Cheney used?

July is Phoenix's version of Minnesota's January.

I've heard that comparison made more than once. To survive July in Phoenix you need to stay in your air conditioned home, car, and workplace. To survive January in Minneapolis you need to stay in your heated home, car, and workplace. The one difference may be that when it gets hot you can only take off so many clothes, while when it gets cold you can at least attempt to dress for the conditions.

As for the impending light rail boondoggle in Phoenix, I'm afraid that it's probably too late to stop it. Sorry Jack, the mob has spoken.

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