Friday, July 09, 2004

Last Week's News, Today

Rick, our man assigned to monitor Air America, reports in on the Al Franken show. According to Rick, this premier political talk show of the left, who's only mission is to cover the ceaseless, daily news cycle ..... is doing reruns:

As yourself appointed Franken-Factor Eaves' Dropper, I'd like to point out that this is "The Best of the O'Franken Factor Week"  at Air America Radio.  Beyond the obvious oxymoron doesn't it seem odd to be running an entire week of reruns  on a premier political talk radio show?  The reason for the hiatus is apparently because Al Franken is out "boring for dollars" at democratic fund raisers.   I know that most every conservative host will only do reruns on holidays or last minute absences or technical difficulties.  A whole week of reruns!  Limbaugh, Medved, and Hewitt get guest hosts that their audiences will appreciate.  So why doesn't Al Franken have a substitute host?
Here are some possible reasons I can think of.
1.  He doesn't think listeners will tune in to listen to a guest host.
2.  He's afraid the guest will be more popular than he.
3.  The shows staff is too incompetent to adjust to a guest host
4.  He's afraid the staff will like the guest host better.
5.  Air America can't pay a guest host.
6.  This is an attempt to cut costs.  The best of the O'Franken Factor Week every month.

Maybe they can really cut costs by running the same episodes every week until the election. The ratings couldn't get much worse.

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