I went down to Bush HQ here in town to inquire about some yardsigns and tickets to see The Man. They told me if I dialed a list of numbers and encouraged those who answered to send in their absentee ballots that not only would they give me a yard sign and all the bumper stickers I cared to take to later affix to Subarus, but also VIP dukats to see Bush!
With the Doubtlessette assisting, I called approximately 40 people. Reached several dems, some old people who thought I was selling something and even a few of Our Own who told me they could be counted on to seal Bush's victory.
The beautiful thing was to watch 25 adults--most of whom seemed very uncomfortable calling strangers--blasting away at these lists with a pile of cellphones. Being an old phone pro from my college days, I insisted upon and received a land line and proceeded to burn the numbers off the keypad.
There was a teenager dude who was kind of running the show. And by that I mean he handed you a list and said "If you call all these people you get a ticket."
Some of the phoners seemed put off by what we used to call "refusals" or those that hang up in your face or worse. "They told me the people would be nice" a woman said with her young child in tow.
All in all it was a good time and there was something calming about being in a room with a bunch of other Right Thinking People. I'll be heading down to do my part more in a few days and I would hope y'all would do the same.
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