Monday, September 13, 2004

In The Passenger Seat

This song is currently in heavy rotation on country radio. Check out these lyrics:

Ooo life's sweet right here in the passenger seat
yeah life's so sweet

When I look to the left see his suntanned hands
His muddy river hair and his thousand acre plans
I'm all shook up like a quarter in a can
Ain't life sweet?
In the passenger seat

The first time I heard this song, I didn't think I was hearing properly. "Life's so sweet from the passenger's seat." The passenger's seat. Here we have three stunningly attractive lasses telling us that they prefer being in the passenger's seat--letting their man run the show?

Hold on a minute. What about the triumph of feminism? Of "equality"? Of women wanting to act like men?

The group is SheDaisy, three talented and beautiful songstresses who ain't afraid to tell it like it is--however upsetting that may be to modern attitudes.

The song is a huge hit, which means it is resonating with women across the country. Women who are not competing with their men, challenging them at every opportunity. Women who have figured out that the key to their happiness is letting the man drive--literally and figuratively.

How about a story in the MSM about this? I remember a few years back when the results of a survey came out that said most women polled don't really have any hobbies of their own and just like to do what their boyfriends/husbands want to do. The reaction was immediate that these women were stupid, trashy dolts who couldn't think for themselves. The idea that women WANTED to do what made their boyfriends/husbands happy was not conceivable to the modern media mind.

Well here is more evidence.

My own Doubtlessette often tells me that it doesn't matter what we do as long as she is with me. At first I had a hard time believing it. But the other day as I stood on the driving range practicing my chipping as she threw down golf balls I realized it was indeed the truth.

Someone has to drive. And someone has to ride in the passenger seat.

Ain't life sweet?

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