Thursday, September 16, 2004

Purple Prophecy

Long time friend of Fraters, Henry (born on September 11th) takes a gander into his crystal ball:

Why the Minnesota Vikings will win the Super Bowl this season:

1. It is still being referred to as a "War on Terror", not a "War against Islamic Terrorists". Even by the President, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice etc.; whom I admire.

2. Michael Moore is called a hero and Michael Savage is ignored.

3. Rock stars feel significant.

4. Actors feel significant.

5. The left controls ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, Reuters, UPI, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, and every other major newspaper in America.
The right has Fox News (despite allowing libs to screech there too), The Wall Street Journal editorial page, and talk radio.

6. Love is Hate. Peace is War. Diversity is Conformity. Inclusion is Exclusion. Tolerance is Intolerance.

7. Only Christian white heterosexual males (especially Southerners) can be racists. Not Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, The NAACP, Yasser Arafat, or the Islamo-Fascists who want to take over the world.

9. 9/11 is still called a tragedy, not mass slaughter.

10. And finally...The Northern Alliance filled in for my hero Dennis Prager, and it didn't sound half bad.

I hear it's getting a little chilly in hell these days too.

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