Tuesday, September 28, 2004

'Dis 'Dat and D'other

College Republicans at the University of Minnesota are saying "No Mas" to Michael Moore:

Minnesota College Republicans today vowed to fight any attempt by University of Minnesota officials to use ANY university funds to bring Michael Moore to campus for an anti Bush political rally. College Republicans were responding to news reports that the University officials are negotiating to bring Moore to the U of M Campus as part of his "Slacker Uprising Tour" in support of John Kerry.

Chuck Z. e-mails with advice on skipping CBS:

Just a quick note from work (where your fine blog hasn't been blocked just yet) to say that my solution for avoiding CBS has been to simply delete CBS channels from the presets in our TVs. CBS is now sharing that unseen limbo with the local school board channel, several shopping channels, and the Golf Channel (for me, watching golf is the visual equivalent of hearing John Kerry speak).

We still have four or so local news channels and several dozen entertainment channels, so we've lost what, maybe 2-3% of our programming? I doubt we'll even notice. But if enough people delete CBS stations from their presets, CBS might.

And finally, The Golden Girl and I have combined to come up with a name to explain the biology of Ted Kennedy:

Nice genus name "Pickledpoliticianus". But he needs a genus AND species designation. Perhaps "Pickledpoliticianus obesiatum".

Yes, Teddy truly is a breed apart.

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