Thursday, September 02, 2004

Don't Believe The Hype

Can we please quit with the talk about how this speech or that speech will impact the precious "undecided" voter? Zell Miller's speech last night was red meat for Republicans and demagogic fascism for the Democrats. Do you really think that legions of undecided voters were watching it? Not bloody likely.

Look, if you've made it to this point of the election cycle without making up your mind, it's probably because you don't care about politics all that much. And if politics isn't your bag, the chances of you pulling up a chair and watching speeches by anyone other than the candidates themselves are slim to none. Hell, I'm as big a political geek as the next guy, but last night I was flipping the channels between convention coverage, the Twins game, and South Park.

Today Republicans are howling with delight about Zell's zingers and Democrats are howling in self-righteous anger. Both sides are trying to convince themselves that the speech will somehow swing the election their way. I enjoyed watching Miller rip into his party after having endured months of Bush bashing from the Kennedys, Carters, Gores, and Moores. However, the reality is that the Miller speech just doesn't matter, no matter how much the wonks try to tell you that it does today. It might be hard for those of us who live and breathe this stuff to accept, but the whole world is not watching.

If Bush grips it and rips it tonight or if he slices into the deep rough, it may move the polls slightly. But if he delivers what I expect; a solid but unspectacular effort, the impact will likely be minimal.

Kerry received little if any bounce from the milquetoast DNC. From what I've watched so far, the RNC has been very well run and has gone pretty much exactly according to the GOP plan. But, I still don't see it doing much for Bush. Those who loathed him before will still loath him tomorrow. Those who loved him going in will love him going out.

The undecideds? They're busy with the pennant races and Trading Spaces. Oh, they'll make up their minds sometime between now and November 2nd. But they likely won't be thinking about Zell Miller's speech when they do it.

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