Wednesday, September 01, 2004

GOP Down With OPP

Funny, no mention of bloggers in this row:

Aside from the guy who held a lollipop up to a dancer's breast and sucked on it, the Republicans were generally well-behaved tonight.

Now, at a strip club being well-behaved entails heavy drinking and consistent lap dances. One group of three men who confessed to being in town for the convention bought at least $400 worth of lap dances, which breaks down to a little over five dances each. They were equal opportunity employers, sampling every race and body type, giving the dancers--many of whom are immigrants or children of immigrants--the very shot at fortune Arnold spoke of in his speech. But as one man told me around 2 a.m. that he had been drinking for eight hours straight, it's quite possible they missed the speech.

I'm disappointed that we haven't been getting any crack reporting that seeks to expose the naked truth and get to the bottom of the matter, as this blog does, from Hindrocket and Captain Ed so far. At the 2008 RNC, I think the Northern Alliance will have to send a duo with a better nose for uncovering such news: Saint Paul and The Big Trunk.

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