...In John Ashcroft's Amerika?
I expected this back when I lived in good old lefty Minneapolis that I would have my sign torn out or crushed--happened all the time there.
But this is my first election year in the northwest suburbs. This is no dark out of the way street either. I live on a very main artery, you know the picture, big lawn, lights were on last night. And this peace-loving defender of freedom of speech had the courage and vision to set on fire my Bush yard sign. Then when only a corner of it burned/melted, they waded it up, kicked it over and crushed the sign like one would with newspaper for packaging filler. I know the left are immature and pathetic, I only wish the rat that did it could have seen us the people they were doing it to: a guy in a wheelchair and a woman 9 months pregnant that could not have even chased them. Congratulations lefties. You have destroyed more private property, promoted the idea that you only approve freedom of speech when it suits you and further sealed the opinion of yourselves that you have no class, even well outside your more radical, saturated central location. I will be getting a bigger sign soon.
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