Thursday, September 09, 2004

Secret Bush Memos Revealed

Those wondering what ever happened to Jim Styczinski can cease their worries. He has emerged. Turns out he's been involved in a research project that may shake this Presidential election to its foundation. Here's Jim's report.

I have done some research of my own through the Texas Air National Guard archives at the Pentagon, hoping to uncover some information exonerating President Bush. Unfortunately, I found two memos that are troubling to say the least. Although I'm a supporter of President Bush, I want to see the truth out there, so I urge you to post them.

Memo 1 is Dated 21 April, 1972

SUBJECT: Bush, George W. 1st Lt. 3244754FG
Unauthorized Hitler's Birthday Pimps and Hos Party

1. I conveyed a verbal reprimand to 1st Lt. Bush for his use of a USAF/TexANG hangar for his "Hitler's Birthday Pimps and Hos Party". Although the pimps all seemed to be frat brothers of 1st Lt. Bush, the Hos seemed to be actual prostitutes.

2. I reprimanded 1st Lt. Bush for unauthorized use of controlled substances on government property, including, but not limited to, crack cocaine, ecstasy, smack, and Elmer's Wood Glue.

3. I ordered that 1st Lt. Bush cease wearing unauthorized adornments to his uniform including, but not limited to, his KKK hood, his swastika arm band, and his "I Like Adolph Eichman" button.

4. I recommend the transfer of this officer to a more red-neck squadron, if one may be found. I also suggest that we fill this critical billet with a true hero from the list of qualified Vietnam vets that have rotated. I've heard good things about a Lt. Kerry who would be a breath of fresh air for this unit.

Lt. Colonel Killian

Memo 2 is dated 14
June 1972

Memo to File
SUBJECT: Discussion with 1st Lt. Bush

1. Phone call from Bush, discussed options of how Bush can get some friends of his and his dad on base for some informal basic flight training. I told him that foreign nationals, even if they are from respected Saudi Arabian families, and even if they aren't interested in learning how to land, are not allowed on base except under official training exchanges.

2. Bush was very insistent on this, and I think he's also talking to someone upstairs, as he says that his dad is Vice President of the United States and that he'll have my job. He then took a swig of whiskey, asked me how my attempts to get him transferred have worked out, and called me his beeotch.

Lt. Colonel Killian


Shocking stuff. Somebody alert Matt Drudge to this. Actually, Dan Rather may be a more appropriate outlet. People tell me he'll believe anything.

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