Wednesday, October 27, 2004

As Heard on the Radio

The friendly NARN competition, Dave Thompson from KSTP, emails his thoughts on John Kerry ...

As all political observers know, campaigns are often won and lost on "little" issues that sometimes have nothing to do with substantive issues. Most pundits agree that the slight surge for President Bush following the third debate was, at least in part, the result of Senator Kerry's unseemly reference to Mary Cheney's sexual preference. The power of this comment came from its demonstration of Senator Kerry's lack of character and judgment.

Earlier this week we learned of the report that 380 tons of explosives disappeared from Iraq right under the nose of U.S. forces. Upon further review, as they say in the NFL, this allegation is dubious at best and an outright lie at worst. Even Kerry's number one foreign policy shill, Richard Holbrooke, stated, "I don't know the truth."

Nevertheless, Senator Kerry continues to hammer the President on "facts" that have been disproved. This is yet another demonstration of Senator Kerry's lack of character and judgment. But this goes well beyond the Mary Cheney debacle, because this story has policy implications.

It does not take a professor of logic to see the disingenuous nature of Kerry's criticism. First, if such stockpiles of weapons existed despite the most excellent efforts of Hans Blix and the boys, then I guess the inspections weren't working so well after all. Second, Kerry now alleges that Saddam likely put these weapons into the "wrong" hands. Well, if he believes Saddam was ready, willing and able to put these weapons in the wrong hands despite the efforts of the U.N., then Bush's war looks pretty reasonable.

On Wednesday morning, the President started his attack on this issue. He should continue his attack until the last voter leaves the last open polling place. John Kerry really stepped in it on this one.

Very true. For those wishing to hear more about it, Dave broadcasts his radio show on KSTP during a certain weekend afternoon day part that will go nameless.

Hey, if he wants more publicity, he can buy an ad on Northern Alliance Radio, Saturdays 12-3PM on AM1280, the Patriot.

One radio show accepting ads from another radio show on at the same time? Are we insane? Yes, insane for ratings! (And ad revenues!) We're breaking all thre rules! Hear it all for yourself this Saturday on the Patriot! Heee-aaaah!!!

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