Friday, October 08, 2004

To The Barricades!

It's twenty-five days until the election. What are you gonna do to make a difference?

Get involved. If you live in the Twin Cities, go to MN for Bush '04 and find out what you can do to help. If you live elsewhere go to to get information on the campaign in your area.

Get a lawn sign, put a sticker on (or in) your car, knock on some doors, make some phone calls. It ain't all that hard. And it can be fun. On Saturday October 23rd the members of the Northern Alliance Radio Network will be at Bush/Cheney headquarters in St. Paul helping make phone calls from 4pm-6pm. Afterwards we're goin' to lift a few at a local watering hole. C'mon down and join us.

The NARN will also be appearing at free AM-1280 listener event next Wednesday October 13th for the last presidential debate. It will be at the Minneapolis Hilton starting at 7:30pm. Big screen TVs, snacks, cash bar, WI-FI access, and the NARN. What more could you ask for?

It has been a damn long campaign and we're all starting to feel a little burned out. But now it's crunch time. It's time to separate the men from the boys (or the Cheneys from the Edwards if you will). It's a sprint to the finish. It's now or never. There is no tomorrow. It's do or die. (Feel free to insert your own hoary cliché here.)

Sack up, jack up (the troops), and rack up (the votes).

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