Thursday, October 21, 2004

Two Down, 50 Million To Go

In just under two weeks, citizens nationwide will be flocking to the polls in droves battling long lines, irritable election judges and litigious lawyer types milling about waiting for the chance to spew their bilious nonsense about the plight of the disenfranchised voter to nearest dimwitted television crew. Not me, friends. I'm out. I have decided here and now that I will not be casting a vote on November 2.

I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it all. I can't stand any more backbiting and sniping and the "He said this!" baloney countered by "He did that!" malarkey. I just don't think I have it in my constitution to drag myself to the polls a week from Tuesday and contribute to this ridiculous mess, so count me out.

Instead of putting myself through the torture of another election day nightmare, I have decided to spend election week relaxing in California's wine country with the lovely Atomizerette reason in particular. We're going there to relax and just be.

But, if I happen to come across a television screen on November 2nd, I may just give it a casual glance. If I stumble across an internet cafe or library, I might just log on know...check my mail. And if the laptop computer and Walkman (with TV band) just happen to find their way into my suitcase, I may fire them up for a minute or two, just for kicks.

And if I happen to walk by the kitchen table tomorrow morning, I just might remember to pick up the absentee ballots my lovely bride-to-be and I just completed and deliver them to City Hall on my way to work. Yeah...I just might do that.

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