Wednesday, October 27, 2004


While it's true that George W. Bush is no Ronald Reagan, it's not hard to figure out which of the two current choices for president fits more closely in the Reagan mold. James Phillips dusts off a famous Reagan speech from 1964 to bring clarity to the matter in this post at Infinite Monkeys:

Forty Years ago today, on October 27, 1964, Ronald Reagan gave one of the most memorable political speeches of the century on behalf of the ultimately unsuccessful Goldwater presidential campaign: "Rendezvous With Destiny", more popularly known as A Time for Choosing.

On the day Ronald Reagan's died, I listened to "The Speech" again. More than once. And I was struck by how much of it still rings true today. Yes, thanks to President Reagan, we did win the struggle with Communism. But we are now engaged in a titanic struggle with Islamofascism (excuse the melodrama, but it really is such a struggle).


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