The social event of the political season takes place tonight at the downtown Minneapolis Hilton. The occasion is the final Presidential debate and AM1280 The Patriot and Wade Financial are good enough to sponsor a free party for all those wishing to enjoy the spectacle in the company of other political sophisticates.
The Hilton is a beautiful facility and it has Wi-Fi. As such, live blogging is encouraged. So if you're in the biz, bring your laptop and join in on what promises to be the Largest Live Gang Blog in World History. Those uncomfortable with the salacious overtones of that title can instead refer to it as the Biggest Circle Journal of All Time. Or the Most Massive Blorgy Since Caligula.
I've witnessed smaller exercises in Live Blogging and I must say it's about as compelling as watching Live Checkbook Reconciliation. But never fear, there will be a cash bar for those wishing to utilize their hands for the higher purpose of hoisting drinks instead of furiously tapping away at the keyboard. And that hoisting group will include me.
Many of the Northern Alliance Radio Network members will be on hand, including Mitch Berg, Captain Ed (you'll recognize him by his ascot), and King Banaian (look for the guy in the crown and cape). If there are microphones available, perhaps we'll have some Political Science Theater 3000 style commentary (with apologies in advance to Mike Nelson and his team of bitter, vicious copyright lawyers).
Tonight, Minneapolis Hilton, 7:30 PM. Be there. For refreshment planning purposes, please leave a message with the Patriot (651-289-4455) and let them know you're coming. We wouldn't want to run out of Funyons and Corn Nuts before John Kerry gets his first chance to redefine his position on Iraq again.
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