It's no secret that I'm voting for George W. Bush next month, and yesterday's debate did nothing to change that. I must admit, however, that John Kerry said a few things last night that really got me to thinking about the validity of his slowly emerging plan to win the war on terror.
Early on in the proceedings, Kerry said:
I have a plan to have a summit with all of the allies.
And later, we heard him say:
I've laid out a plan by which I think we can be successful in Iraq: with a summit...
I think that the Senator is really on to something here. Let's get Kerry, Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schroeder, Vladimir Putin, Ayad Allawi and twenty-seven 12-packs of Summit Extra Pale Ale together in a locked room. Then, have the Senator drone on and on for a few days about the importance of multi-lateralism and about the need to reach out to the Muslim world and about the vaunted 9/11 Commission and about colossal errors of judgment and about the infallibility of weapons inspectors and about opium production in Afghanistan and about the rush to the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time and on and on and on...
I'm convinced that before too long, Senator Kerry will be set upon by a quartet of drunken allies brandishing broken brown beer bottles and praying for any solution that doesn't involve hearing this man talk.
Better living through beer. I like that.
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