Monday, October 04, 2004

Tossin' and Turnin'

Today is going to be a long day. Not because of any especially onerous burdens that the day holds in store for me, but because I probably accumulated a grand total of two hours of sleep last night. I went to bed at a reasonable time and didn't have to arise at an ungodly hour this morning. The problem was that for most of the wretched night I couldn't reach the blissful land of nod, despite my best efforts to slip into dreamland. And for that failure I blame...

...the 401K Latte Guy a.k.a. Peter McClellan. For last night he was at the Patriot Forum, featuring Hugh Hewitt and Jason Lewis, dispensing coffee from a jetpack-like contraption strapped to his back. He looked a bit like those guys who shoot t-shirts into the crowd at basketball games, and I half expected him to ask people to open their mouths while he directed a stream of scalding java toward them from forty feet away.

It was around 5:30pm, about halfway through the social hour, and I had already enjoyed a bottle of John Kerry's favorite beer, when my wife asked if I wanted a cup of coffee from the investment barista. My first thought was to pass, knowing that caffeine intake at that time of day had historically played havoc with my sleep patterns, but the desire for a dose of liquid energy overcame my sensible side and I acquiesced. Eight hours later, as I restlessly writhed in bed unable to slumber, I deeply regretted my decision and silently cursed the name of the source of my unease. Damn you 401K Latte Guy! Damn you all to hell!

Otherwise the event itself was quite enjoyable. As promised, Hugh and Jason did indeed rock the house. Over six hundred Patriot listeners turned out to hear the dynamic duo, and I don't think any of them went home disappointed. With the notable exception of the guy who wanted Hugh to autograph his USC cheerleader outfit that is. Some lines he just won't cross.

A energetic spokeswoman for the Bush/Cheney campaign in Minnesota briefly spoke as well, and she announced that President Bush will once again be visiting our fair state. The details are a bit sketchy at this point, but it looks like Bush will be making an appearance at a park in Chanhassen on Saturday October 9th around noon. Check the campaign website for updates and information on how you can get tickets.

In all likelihood we'll have a couple of Northern Alliance Radio Network correspondents on hand to cover the event, and there's a decent chance I'll be one of them. With the President's visit, the debates on Tuesday and Friday, the Twins playoff series against them damn Yankees, and Thursday night trivia at Keegan's it's going to be a very busy week. I best rest up this evening.

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