Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Resistance Is Futile

Mark e-mails:

The Statler and Waldorf dust-up aside, I have at last been knee-capped into submission by blogosphere.

For many, many weeks I have listened to David and Jordan tell me how, "cool the Fraters guys are."

How, "funny the Fraters guys are."

How, "wonderful and quirky the Fraters guys are." But I refused to believe it.

"Wait" sez I, "how can I trust these guys? What can we possibly have in common? They're bloggers."

But then I read a great piece of journalism (yes, journalism) on the subject of razors -- specifically razors that vibrate. I was sold (on the razor for sure, but more importantly I think, on the relevance of the Fraters boys). You have turned a blog-Grinch (more accurately one who openly ridiculed your Keegan's parties and the inside jokes) into one who now loves Big Brother. Just like Homer J I have the seen the secret club (the Stonecutters), and I want in.

Tell me what I must do -- I have no pride left.

No pride left, eh? Just the way we likes 'em. Unfortunately Mark, your timing couldn't be worse. The MOB has just been rechristened as the "No Marks Club." That's "No Marks"; we're allowed to have one.

Just funnin' ya boy. You are hereby drafted into the MOB Army and ordered to report for duty to Keegan's at 5pm this Saturday. By the way, if you're looking for quirky, he's your man. We'll stick to cool, funny, and wonderful.

Meanwhile Nathan asks:

I don't have a blog, I just read them. Does MOB have a troll division?

You bet we do Nathan. Actually it's more like a troll regiment at this point, but if we keep hitting our recruiting goals we'll be there soon. And this next MOB gathering at Keegan's is not limited to bloggers. Our loyal readers, fans, stalkers, and groupies are all invited to stop in and quaff a couple as well. The more, the merrier. This Saturday, January 22nd at 5pm. Be there. You know you want to.

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