Sunday, June 19, 2005

Out-Manned By A Canadian?

The Elder wrote last year of some dude's plan to have a night of hockey fighting as entertainment. There was talk of even having it in Minneapolis, but our feminized culture up here would not have such "Brutality" as entertainment, so he took the idea to Winnipeg.

It was poo-poo'ed there too, but now he looks to have things together in Prince George, B.C. on August 27 of this year.

He intends to put 12 men on the ice in full hockey uniforms, two at a time sans sticks, so they can punch it out for 60 seconds in front of a panel of five judges. Each man will get a flat fee, with additional cash to be allotted to winners. Wolski declined to put numbers on the dollars.

This dude (Darryl Wolski) besides having come up with a damn cool idea, lets on that he might be one of us:

Wolski plans to get it on pay-per-view TV, which gives people an option, said Craighead.

"If you don't want to see it then don't buy it," he said.

It's a business venture, said Wolski.

"It's a capitalist idea," he said. "If left-wing people of the world don't like it, I don't care."

So we here at Fraters would like to raise a big Tanqueray tonic (90/10) to Darryl Wolski, of Brandon Manitoba for nutting up and providing people with a great piece of entertainment(even if he had to do it in Canada).


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