Talk Is Cheap
This Saturday, we are pleased to welcome Christina Hoff Sommers to The Northern Alliance Radio Network. Sommers will be joining us in the second hour to discuss One Nation Under Therapy:How the Helping Culture Is Eroding Self-Reliance, which she co-authored with Sally Satel. Here's a quick summary from Amazon:
Philosopher-turned-controversialist Sommers and psychiatrist Satel argue as forcibly against contemporary psychotherapeutic notions and nostrums as Sommers did against radical feminism in Who Stole Feminism? (1994) and The War against Boys (2000). The American Enterprise Institute colleagues question five pet doctrines of contemporary therapy by presenting the research evidence for and against them. That is, they review the relevant literature, letting its conclusions speak for themselves; though they are critical of the five shibboleths, they don't have to apply spin to be convincing. Properly conducted research doesn't, they show, back up the fashionable dogmas that (1) children are psychologically fragile and mustn't be stressed, (2) self-esteem is the sine qua non of psychological health, (3) what moralists call sins are expressions of mental illness, (4) the emotional effects of trauma must be acted out, and (5) all war and disaster witnesses suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
As mentioned in the review, Sommers is also the author of The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men. It's going to a jam packed hour.
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