Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Someone Still Loves You

The Majority Report is one of the liberal Air America radio programs providing political analysis by stand up comedians. Today on their show blog, a plea for journalistic justice. Or is this a desperately needed fresh routine for Jeanine Garafalo? Either way, it's got more laugh lines than a Conan O'Brien monolog.


The Star Tribuune in Minnesota has one of the toughest editorial boards in the country (laughter). They have been early critics of the Bush fiasco.

They recently came out in support of Durbin and his remarks on torture. Despite the fact that Durbin backed down, we should show our love.

The Tribune is under assault by right wing nuts here and here and may be losing some subsrciptions. now anybody in minnesota ? anybody who wants to read a great local minn paper?

Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?

I see no one has yet commented on this post, meaning Air America might be having trouble getting any takers for this amazing offer. If they are looking for best prospects for subscribers, according to the law firm of Halunen & Associates, they can be found on the front lawns of :

...hospitals, hotels, schools and shopping centers. And in some cases, the lawsuit alleges that distributors "dumped" unsold papers but counted all of the unsold and dumped papers as paid circulation.

"Most of them are not even viewed by anyone," [Clayton] Halunen said. "They're just thrown out."

The Star Tribune, afflicting the comfortable and comforting the invisible since 2003.

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