Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Footnote to History

Radio producer Duane Patterson, aka the Radio Blogger, provides this transcript of a conversation between nationally syndicated shock jock Hugh Hewitt and the Governor of the great state of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty. The topic, an opening on the state Supreme Court, Pawlenty's approach to interviewing candidates, and Hugh's unsolicited bid for the position.

Tim Pawlenty: So here are some things that I ask them. I say you know what? We learn a lot from success in life, but we learn more from failure. So tell me what your biggest failures have been, and what did you learn from it?

Hugh Hewitt: Well, Duane comes to mind.

TP: All right. Duane comes to mind.

HH: And we've...I've overcome that, and so the show's on the air every day. So that's happened. I'm responsible for Fraters Libertas.

TP: Yes. Well, I'm just going to do the interview right here, right now, then.

HH: Okay.

TP: What is the hardest thing Hugh Hewitt has ever done in your life, and what did you learn from it?

HH: The hardest thing was going through Senate confirmation in 1987, because those knuckleheads in the United States Senate drive you crazy. But you just keep your good grace about you, and your good humor, and you go on with it. So there. But I think probably the hardest thing would also be getting to know the Fraters Libertas guys.

We'll accept the Governor's stunned silence and repeated topic changes as evidence he does not endorse this smear on our character (or, more likely, that he has no idea what HH I talking about). But knowing us is the hardest things Hugh's ever done? That's quite a statement, coming from a guy known for driving a snowmobile up a tree. But we'll take the recognition wherever we can get it.

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