Craig Westover is calling Bob Moffitt out. As you may know, Bob is the public voice of the American Lung Association, a group that was almost single-handedly responsible for the pathetic and unjust smoking ban in Minneapolis that is screwing small business owners and their employees.
Craig routinely kicks Bob's rhetorical backside up and down the block on this issue on his and other's blogs, so I can see why Bob is scared, but isn't he supposed to be a spokesman? (I'm assuming this involves speaking, even to those who disagree with you).
Craig invited Bob to appear on Dave Strom's Taxpayer's League Live on the Patriot, but Bob demurred, saying he preferred "neutral ground". Wuss.
So Craig upped the ante and has thrown out the challenge to debate him anywhere:
As to Bob's request for a "neutral ground" media outlet, as I am still waiting for Bob to defend a secondhand smoke study of his choosing, I shall wait to hold a discussion with him on any media, including Almanac, of his choosing. The "neutrality" of a media outlet is not an issue; neutrality of the medium does not affect the validity of an argument. Bob's science will be just as misleading, his evasion just as evident, his lack of contextual knowledge just as obvious on "Almanac" as on Taxpayers' League Live."
So sack up Bob. If you really believe the company line about second hand smoke and the scientific studies that were used to implement these heavy-handed laws and you think this justifies hosing the people who worked their entire lives to build up small businesses, step up and take on your challenger.
He's going to kick your rhetorical backside (again), but at least you will have debated him like a man.
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