Friday, December 23, 2005

Can't You Smell That Smell?

Another volley directed at the Strib's Jim boyd from the muzzle of our friend Gary Larson at Intellectual Conservative:

Reprinted in E&P, Boyd's acceptance speech delivers aw-shucks faux humility. His opening line is real enough: "I have a very difficult time believing I deserve this award." Legions of Twin Citians agree; it's truly astonishing. Some say, jaws dropping, it's incredible.

Boyd's speech quickly descends into deceit: "His" editorial pages were "with Bush [about Iraq] so long as he worked with the [UN] Security Council." False. Boyd's paper from the git-go waged -- and wages today -- a savage name-calling war upon this president, their cheap-shot attacks hinting often of criminality. Boyd himself in a signed column from Germany equated Bush's going-to-war policies with Herr Hitler's. It's the vile stuff of in your daily newspaper. Did I say stench?

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