Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied
Nearly two years ago, at the behest of a certain talk radio host who bears an uncanny resemblance to the main character in what is undoubtedly the greatest Christmas movie ever, we asked people to enter a pool predicting the date when former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein would finally meet with the fate that he so richly deserves. Now, as the trial of Saddam becomes more circus-like by the day, we want to update the status of the Saddam Death Pool.
First off, let's list the contestants whose dates have come and gone since our last update. Welcome to Loserville. Population: you.
Mary Barre-Van Buren
Gary Wilcox
JD Bryant
Captain Ed
Steve Gigl
Luke Duke
Mark Cohen
Joe Markham
Roy Young
Erik Hjelle
Shawn Sarazin
Barbara Paden
King Banaian
Robert Perry
DC of Brainstorming now Sandy of the M.A.W.B. Squad
Doug Vaselaar
Miller's Time
Carl Radsick III
Steve Johnson
Nancy Butler
Dave Reckling
Martyn Speck
Todd Hansen
Amy MvGuire
Jim Bordenkircher
Thanks for playing. Better luck in our next "Pick the execution date of the recently captured tyrannical dictator" pool.
Now for the survivors. Believe it or not there are only three contestants remaining.
Joe Carter has Saddam scheduled to depart this veil of tears on April 24th, 2006 at 9:53PM.
Mitch Berg has the Iraqis ringing in the New Year in 2007 by ringing Saddam's neck in a noose.
And finally, there's Bill Koster, officially designated legal representative for Fraters Libertas (he does all his work pro-beero), regular Thursday night trivia quiz corrector at Keegan's Irish Pub, and husband to one of the most trivial thinking women in the world. Knowing the legal process as he does, Bill came up with a predication that I initially scoffed at, but have come to respect more and more as this trial drags on and on. His pick for the day when Saddam meets the executioner?
Let's hope that in the end true justice does prevail and Saddam pays the piper. As Michael Ledeen is wont to say, faster please.
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