How Dubya Got His Groove Back
For supporters of the administration, one of the most frustrating aspects of George W. Bush's presidency is the inconsistency of the public performances by the Commander In Chief. When he's off his game, as he seemed to be for most of the summer and fall, it can be ugly. But when he's got it goin' on, it's a beautiful thing to behold.
And, with the recent quartet of speeches on Iraq (capped off by last night's address from the Oval Office) followed by a news conference this morning (which I was fortunate enough to be able to listen to), one thing is crystal clear: Dubya has got his mojo back and he's got it workin'. His performance this morning had just the right mix of confidence, passion, and humor that leaves admirers of the president pounding the steering wheel in agreement, screaming for more, and wondering where this George W. Bush, so full of fight and brimming with vim and vigor, has been hiding for the last six months. At least that's what I was doing as I listened to the news conference in my car.
It's good to have you back Mr. President. Please consider sticking around a little longer this time.
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