Saturday, December 03, 2005

Cold Comfort

Craig Westover borrowed my authentic Wellstone! t-shirt for his Halloween costume this year. I'm not sure if he was going as some angel-headed hippie or as the Nihilist in Golf Pants. But it doesn't matter, when Westover asks for a piece of your clothing, you give it up without question.

I haven't seen that garment since late October, upon making inquiries, I was told that my Wellstone! shirt may not becoming home again. At least not to my home:

Your shirt and I have made it a couple of times to Keegan's, but alas, we waited and waited and you did not show. I wondered, "What would Wellstone do?" and then it hit me. I immediately went out into the street and gave the shirt to the first homeless person I saw. It wasn't easy. He kept insisting he wasn't homeless but simply visting from out of town and he hadn't yet checked into his hotel. But, being a member of the MSM, I know stuff. I knew he was as homeless as Mary and Joseph were so long ago. Nick told me so.

Well, he finally took the shirt. It has a good home, and while you may be out one shirt, you have the warm satisfaction of knowing that it went to meet the needs of another fellow pilgrim on this journey we simply call "life."

My resources redistributed to others, whether they really needed it or not. Yes, Wellstone! would have wanted it that way.

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