As we all know, "The Holidays" or what I call Christmastime can be quite stressful. There's in-laws, travel, work parties you really don't want to attend, purchasing expensive presents for ungrateful brats, weather--basically any number of things can go wrong and cause your stress to rise to unacceptable levels. (Kind of like what Captain Ed must have gone through when the Drudge Report was down the other morning.)
Which is why I am willing to share with you all a new drink recipe I came up with this weekend. I call it JB's Holiday Bracer and it's sure to get you through even the toughest social challenges this season.
Ingredients: ice, gin, vodka (no plastic bottles of either) bourbon or rye (I find the Wild Turkey 100 proof Rye to be delicious), Angostura bitters and 7-Up (no diet).
Take your shaker and add copious amounts of ice. Important step here, so no chinzing on the ice. Next add equal measures (about 2-3 1.5 ounce shots) each of the gin, vodka and bourbon or rye. Personally, I add more a little more bourbon than gin or vodka since it carries more taste, but that's up to you. Add a couple of dashes of the bitters and top the creation with a small splash of 7-Up--a splash, this is a strong drink and you don't want to be watering down the taste of the booze.
Shake the concoction vigorously. The flavors should infuse each other and become one singular elixir. Pour the contents into a chilled rocks glass, garnish with a cherry and enjoy.
Early field tests have shown the only problem so far is that the drink tastes so good you tend to suck them down quite quickly and immediately want another. I have to advise against this. You may consume it quickly, but let the booze settle a little in your system before going for round two. You WILL feel it the next day after two of these beauties, but most importantly whatever stress you are dealing with will seem light years away. Put on a little Brian Setzer and you will be all set.
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