Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Happy Fathers Day

Dad jailed after allegedly giving beer to child:

Forty-five-year-old Brett Morse of Dayton, Minnesota is jailed on charges of child neglect and child endangerment.

Morse is accused of getting drunk and passing out while babysitting his two-year old boy and four-year old girl. Police say he has also given his boy beer and left his four-year-old girl home alone.

Chandler says when police arrived they had a hard time waking Morse--who was sleeping naked on his bed with one child while the other had the run of the home. Earlier in the day he allegedly left one child alone for a while.

In the criminal complaint against Morse, he is quoted as telling authorities that on the day in question he drank eighteen beers and had given some to his two-year-old boy and did leave his four-year-old alone. Morse reportedly told investigators on other occasions he had given his kids beer when they became fussy.

UPDATE-- Mike e-mails to point out this we may only be getting half the truth:

I think I mentioned this to you a long time ago but my wife is a nurse and she has informed me that when you go in for a physical and the doctor asks how much you drink, they automatically multiply your answer X 2.

So the guy who gave his kids beer admits to 18 brewskis. I'm guessing his answer is half his actual consumption. I just wonder if he lied by half about how much he gave his kids.

Atomizer drinks what, about a fifth of Saffire per day?

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