Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Helping Hand To A 'Coon

Last night as I left for my nightly walk, I saw a small bundle of fur on our driveway. Inspecting a little closer, I realized it was a baby racoon.

He had been sleeping in the driveway. He was pretty scared but I needed to find out if he was injured. As I approached him he backed up into the trees.

I went to my car and grabbed a hooded sweatshirt to carry him in, knowing that these little critters have some serious claws. I carried him into the house to a very suprised wife, who sadly would not let me take a picture with the 'coon and our 2 month old (they have shots for rabies, right?)

For a minute I thought he might make a good pet. I grabbed our picnic basket and put him inside so he wouldn't be so scared. He responded by piddling.

After a cursory inspection of his limbs (and after he turned down a saucer of milk) I determined he was fit for a return to the wild. I hauled him back outside.
(My wife's flat refusal to raise baby raccoon in addition to our human baby had a little something to do with it too.)

He scampered up into the woods and hopefully found his mama. I had to shoo away a feline that was eyeing the little guy for dinner, so I hope he made it.

Good luck baby 'coon!

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