But the streets were filled with signs that the political season was peaking. In fact, you couldn't swing a dead gato in Chihuahua and not hit a campaign poster bearing the mug of a candidate. They were plastered everywhere: lampposts, street signs, utility poles, traffic lights, trees, etc. You almost had the feeling that if you stood on the corner for more than two minutes, someone would staple one on your gut.
Here are a few of my favorites.
Pat Anderson's non-union Mexican equivalent.
Isn't it about time we elected a Vulcan?
Hello, I'm Victor Anchando (cue music to Folsom Prison Blues). The pair also has the chummy look of the Chris Coleman and R.T. Rybak of Mexico.
Some people believe that presidential candidate Lopez Obrador is a bit of socialist. Let's take a look:
1. Manifestacion
2. Raised fist
3. Mob of workers
Where would anyone get that idea?
Do you notice my casual easy-going nature?
Yes, Dennis Weaver can!
With my over-sized fist, I will crush all enemies, foreign and domestic!
Ahmadinejad's glow of light is nothing compared to mine.
Who lives on a watch face under the sea? Ju-dith Tor-res!
Yo apenas farted!
Finally, I think these guys need to work on their messaging a bit. Remember, it's all about sound bites these days.
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