Monday, June 05, 2006


Mark Steyn, last Thursday on the Hugh Hewitt show, commenting on the media allegations of Marine misconduct in Iraq:

And all I want to say about this is that there are good reasons for going to war, and there are respectable reasons for opposing the war with Iraq. But if you supported the war with Iraq, then this doesn't change anything. Bad things happen in every war. Your compatriots, my compatriots, Americans, Canadians, Britons, Australians, New Zealanders have all done terrible, horrible things in war. And that doesn't deny the rightness and the justice of their cause, and the merit of those wars, and the value of those victories. There are 150,000 coalition troops in Iraq. Even if 1,500 of them behaved terribly, that would still mean that 99% of coalition forces behave perfectly, and behave impeccably. And people are very stupid and lazy if they think this changes the rationale and the morality of the war.

As if on cue, Eleanor Clift in Newsweek on Friday:

It makes it harder to look at this war as a moral enterprise.

With exquisite timing like that, Eleanor Clift may some day be recognized as the Lenny and Squiggy of modern journalism.

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