Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Completely Hughless?

Talk radio host Hugh Hewitt has a great deal of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

Hugh knows the law.

Hugh knows history.

Hugh knows the classics.

Hugh knows religion.

Most of all Hugh knows politics.

But, as evidenced most recently by last night's show on the latest inductees to the Rock And Rock Hall of Fame, Hugh don't know music. (Bob Seger over Prince?!?) Listening to Hugh critically discuss popular music is like listening to Jessica Simpson discuss the merits of federalism. It just ain't right.

I started to think about what other areas escape the grasp of Hugh's knowledge bandwidth. When was the last time he correctly predicted the outcome of a major sporting event? How about the Friday night movie fiasco with Emmett, where it seems that nearly every week Hugh admits to having never viewed one or more movies that most film buffs would consider indispensable classics? Finally, how can the official sommelier of California be a guy who believes that when it comes to wine, the pinker the better, and why bother with a bottle when you can get a box? Hugh don't know wine either.

And so I now open it up to you to decide. There's a lot that Hugh knows, but also a lot that he don't. In which area is he the most clueless?

On what topic is Hugh Hewitt the least informed?

Free polls from pollhost.com

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