Monday, March 15, 2004

No Mas

If today's election results in Spain lead to the withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq, it is likely that the Spanish people will have bought themselves some short term safety. The next terrorist attack will probably hit London, Rome, Warsaw, or even Washington D.C. instead of Madrid. But they are only prolonging the day of reckoning. Islamo-fascist terrorism is not going to fade away.

The question is whether you want to address it head on and seek to eradicate it or bury your head in the sand and hope you can mollify the terrorists enough to leave you alone. The problem is that they will be back with another demand, another grievance, another score to be settled and at some point you will have to fight or lose your freedoms and your civilization itself.

Spaniards had, up to this point in the war, been behaving like the proud Spanish imperial eagle. Now it appears that they elected to emulate the actions of the ostrich. The towel has been thrown.

(There is no doubt that the Spanish government's clumsy efforts to continue to try to pin the blame for the attacks on ETA, even as evidence emerged indicating that Muslim extremists were likely responsible, also helped vault the Socialists to victory.)

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