Survey Says...
The results are in, and they show that you the people believe that the big money winner on the Power Players series of Jeopardy! will be the smooth talking Ari Fleisher. Here is the breakdown:
Ari Fleisher 32.5%
Keith Olbermann 16.7%
Peggy Noonan 15.1%
Tucker Carlson 8.7%
Tim Russert 7.1%
Maria Bartiromo 5.6%
Bob Woodward 3.2%
Gretchen Carlson 2.4%
Al Franken 2.4%
Kweisi Mfume 1.6%
Anderson Cooper 1.6%
Ashleigh Banfield 1.6%
Christine Todd Whitman 0.8%
Aaron Brown 0.8%
Tavis Smiley 0.0%
Meanwhile, the poll to determine the best looking contestant will continue until the end of the day. Right now Ashley Banfield and Maria Bartiromo are neck and neck (settle down Saint Paul) as they sprint for the finish, with only five votes separating them.
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