Justice Is Served, With a Side of Karma
It all started with a simple act of kindness. Me pushing an elderly couple’s Subaru out of a snow bank. And for that reason, three weeks later, Rudy Boschwitz’s online reference legacy has been salvaged and preserved. Strangely enough, he has Paul Wellstone to thank for it. And a cast of thousands.
Because if I wouldn’t have pushed that elderly couple’s Subaru out of the snow bank, I would never have known they had a Wellstone! sticker on their rear bumper. If I didn’t know that, I wouldn’t have ever reported on the incident on this fine Internet site, nor would I have used the name of Rudy Boschwitz in the title. And in that case, Our Reader Tom (ORT) would never have gotten curious about who Rudy Boschwitz is and done a Google search on him. And then he never would have uncovered the injustice of Texans for Public Justice rising to the top of the Google hierarchy for “Rudy Boschwitz” with their hatchet job summary of the distinguished Senator’s career. And then he never would have alerted me to this fact and I never would have started a campaign boot these bloviating Texans off the board. And then the fellow travelers on the path of truth (like Mitch Berg, Luke Duke, and Steve Gigl), would never have rallied to the cause with their linking support. And without that, the truth would never have risen from Google oblivion to page 12 to page 2, to the absolute NUMBER ONE position for Rudy Boschwitz.
All because someone decided to help some old people out. On this warm, beautiful morning, the first day of Spring, suddenly, the world makes sense again.
And so will the record of Rudy Boschwitz’s accomplishments to future Internet researchers. Because no longer will they have to wade through a ridiculous description of his career like this (from TPJ):
Voters were underwhelmed by Boschwitz’s record in the Senate, where he opposed minimum wage increases, abortion and tough environmental rules, while championing weaker corporate liability, unfettered global trade and a flat tax. Voters also were repulsed by a ’90 Boschwitz mailer that told Jews that he was “more Jewish” than Wellstone.
Instead, they’ll only have to wade through rhetoric like this from Fraters Libertas:
I can't even imagine a scenario in which I would cry at work, unless someone were to tell me John Kerry was elected President or something.
On the positive side, Mary Magdalene had it goin' on.
I would rather sacrifice my first born to Satan than upgrade to XP again.
You see, even though Google does refer to Fraters Libertas first, the link only goes to the top of the February archive page. Meaning in order to find the truth on Rudy Boschwitz, people will have to drive down five or six posts (including one entitled “Putting the Grunt in Disgruntled”). Ah well, no one ever said Internet research was supposed to be easy.
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