Sunday, March 21, 2004

Read More About It Than You Ever Wanted to Know

Just in case you want to read even more about Al Franken and the Liberal Radio Network, today’s New York Times Magazine chimes in, with their cover story. It's an adoring, breathless profile by Russell Shorto, entitled “Al Franken, Seriously.”

Of course, the Northern Alliance Radio Network already provided a nuanced, academic discussion of the issue yesterday (highlighted by several on air hosts challenging Franken to a fist fight). But, to it’s credit, the Times piece does provide a few pieces of new information:

From 1966 to 1969, Franken was a member of the varsity wrestling team at his high school in Hopkins, Minn. Six years after graduation, when he showed up in New York to begin work as a writer on the first season of ''Saturday Night Live,'' he was still almost as much an athlete as a comedian. ''He seemed like a total jock,'' says the comedian Laraine Newman, who was a member of the original cast. ''He always had a football in his hands when they were writing. And he had this very defined musculature. His butt was like a cut basketball.

To our credit, even if we would have known Franken’s ass was like a cut basketball, we wouldn’t have brought it up. We and the Patriot (AM 1280) have broadcast standards. Plus, I’m not even sure what it means to have an ass like a cut basketball. Is it orange and pebbly? Does it have black stripes and “Wilson” branded on it? Is often handled by large men in gym shorts?

It’s difficult to say, but apparently some on the Left are quite enamored of it. The Times article states Al has become a bit of a sex symbol. This describes Franken’s appearance at a John Kerry rally:

But then an actual shriek went up -- the sort of girl-squeal you associate with footage of the early Beatles. A gang of young women in T-shirts was responsible for the high notes, but lots of others joined in. Heads turned; people waved; cameras flashed.

''It's Al Franken! Al! Over here! Oh, my God!''

Pathetic and sad, yes. But shed no tears for the Democrats. Like presidential candidates, political parties get the sex symbols they deserve.

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